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Friday, September 27, 2013

Red Has Turned Pink for Saturday!

Well,  I have been hosting Rednesday Wednesday for all of Sept. and I think it's getting a good reception.

Lovely BlogPals , old and new, have been flyin in and out. It started on Wednesday, seems the RED spread to Thursday, seeped on into Friday , and has diluted into shades of pink for Beverly's Pink Saturday.

While composing my post for I was looking for vintage reds, of course, and found sites for vintage home advertising.( If you weren't aware I collect vintage magazines. It includes Better Homes, Family Circle, Farm Journal, and others dating from the 1930's-70's) Wait till you see what I found.........................................

Look at those block glass windows with planters surrounding the window. Wouldn't you love to have a craft room like this. Thant's right this is an area off a kitchen for the Lady of the house to have a place for flower arranging, etc. I remembera movie, Mr. Blandings Builds a Home and Myrna Loy wanted a little room to do flowers..and other craft things and sewing room upstairs.

This is an American Standard Kitchen.  pink metal cabinets. My Grandma's house has White.

This is an Armstrong  flooring ad. in all it's pink goodness.
Oh, check out this pink, peach, and black bathroom............


and, this pink and gray one.

A pretty in  pink bedroom.of the 50's...My Grandma still has a little rose pattern sheets like these!

So, this is perfect ending to a dreamy pink post from the past.
 I am going to go and check out all the other Pink Saturday. Don't forget to leave a comment to enter my giveaway. Use the Rednesday Wednesday link at the beginning of this check out the tablerunner......
it's not pink, but it might still work in your decor.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Rednesday Wednesday #3 spreads over to Thursday

Rednesday spread to Vintage Thingy Friday at ColoradoLady and, seems to be seeping over to Diann of the Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday Well, you RED it flows into everything............
Welcome to the Rednesday Wednesday Blog Party!

Boy, I am so happy you stopped by today for  Rednesday Wednesday. As a thank you for coming I have 
Been celebrating all month with  a special giveaway for all those who participate in my link-in party or just leave a comment during the month of September.. The lucky winner will receive .this......................

French country inspired tablerunner

If you missed last REDnesday Just go HERE for the'RED'lights..hehe

My favorite time of the year is Autumn. The crisp fresh air. the aroma of wood burning, the colors........
Spring is like a watercolor and ink drawing..all soft and delicate, fluid, Summer is an acrylic work. Some texture still a little fluid, but bold...bright. Autumn is an oil painting...textural...muted colors, but brightness in many strokes. Autumn wraps you in color that warms and exhilarates.
When I first joined the Rednesday party and then years later thought of hosting REDnesday I always saw REDnesday   as the kitchy red of the 40's and 50's and..the color in vintage magazines that makes you tale notice of ads and articles  making you smile that wistful smile. 
Now as a hostess I am rethinking my REDS. with Autumn here there are some many more shades of RED.
The color red comes in many shades and hues as we see especially during Autumns changing palette. 
Here is a list of just a few
  • blood red
  • blush
  • brick
  • burgundy
  • carmine
  • China red (see vermilion)
  • cinnabar (see vermilion)
  • crimson
  • fire engine red
  • flame (see scarlet)
  • Indian red
  • madder
  • maroon
  • rose
  • rouge
  • ruby
  • russet (a reddish brown)
  • rust (a reddish brown)
  • scarlet
  • tomato
  • Venetian red
  • vermilion

Now, I do have a reason for mentioning this because some have typed and said they  like popping by to check out the RED posts and they'd  love to join the party, but they have no red....well, there's a game my Mom played with me...okay  we still do, but anyway.............. called Riddley Rifddey It starts out with this versem Riddiley Riddiley I  DeeDee I see something you don't see and the color of it is....RED......

Vintage Double D Ranchwear Jacket Coat Blazer Plaid Size S
Red Plaid xoat on Ebay
Vintage Etienne Aigner Burgundy Leather Smaller Satchel Tote Shoulder Purse Bag
Vintage burgandy Etienne Bag on Etsy...not mine cannot afford LOL
Thomas Kinkade Sunset at Riverbend Farm Throw
Thomas Kincade Throw 'Senset at  Rivervend Farm'

Cranberry display at Grimes House Gallery, the CRANBERRY GLASS SHOP
Cranberry Glass pic from
Red Maple leaves..of course

Antique Art Deco Solitaire Ruby Ring - 14k White Gold - Size 6
Ruby Ring Found on Ebay

Utah's Monument Valley
Contact Us

Armstrong's 'Youngstown'  kitchen uses the red, green, and gold color scheme to contrast with the crisp white and cabinetry and black counters.
1949 Bird Linoleum ad.....Oh to find that on Ebay
Candy Apple Red  47' Fleetline

Rhode island red 1915 lithograph.jpg
hode Island Red Rooster and Hen
Garnet Gem
Pink Lady  apples photos, pictures & images
Apple Red
Persian Kashan Wool Red Rectangle Area Rug  (9'10" x 13'4") - 251-14253
Persian Rug
Vintage Cherry illustration
File:P rubinus.jpg
Vermilion Flycatcher

Glass of Rosé WineRose/ Wine

Rare Vintage English Polychrome Red Transferware Scenic Plate Royal Doulton ChathamRedware  Pottery
Red Transferware from Nancy's Daily Dish
even our Brown Gingham Cabin is decked out in Red cedar and russets!

These are just a few of the examples of the colors mentioned on the list. I vet if you go and look you have red all around you and yo didn't even realize it.
Now, let's go check out the other shady posts!
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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Rednesday Wednesday Highlights

Well, REDnesday Wednesday seems to be catching on. Thanks to all who have linked in, left comments. and sent e-mails. You are registered for my giveaway. It's come to my attention I do have a Problem. It seems some are not able to separate a party from a full out advertising op.

So, I think I need to explain.

Rednesday originated as a place collectors of vintage and lovers of red came together and showcased their finds. They give background on the find, where and how it would be used, if they altered it in some way, or if it was to be sold on their selling sites  they  would place a link where you would be sent to their Etsy, Ebay, Website, or Selling Blog. As with all Blog Parties, unless they are specifically for selling products like Market Monday at Etsy Cottage Style Blog, or Blog Shop at How Sweet the Sound, are gatherings to meet and talk about similar likes, learn something new, share inspiring decor-designs-creations-ideas. If a post leads to a product created for sale it's soft sell...I'm probably not saying this well, imagine a  Blog Party as a home party such as Tupperware, Pampered Chef , Sarah Coventry Jewelry.....You display about it......
demo create a rapport with your client. They get to see how you create, think,...sigh..........I just thought Bloggers would like to meet other Bloggers..get to know one another...feel connected. I know some Blog Party Hosts delete selling sites immediately, but this time I'll leave them up, but if it comes to a point where folks just use the party as a free direct sales venue, then I'll give them the links to those free selling sites I've mentioned and  remove them from Rednesday.
I hope I said it right.
Okay  Now for some REDnesday highlights

HappybodyThis Happybody can be found at Leisure Lane
Wholeport Girl and Star ButtonsGo to Create With Joy ro see the possibilities

Check Out the Sunny Side of the Porch were..

Cutie Pie Cottage has all the vintage reds 

Charm of the Carolines goes on a red quest

                                                   Beansie Babbles finds a bit of her childhood

And, Sally Annie Magundy goes Dutch!

Be sure to stop by the 2 vendors also who came by this week they have some beautiful things.

Mark your calender        Rednesday Wednesday #3 is Sept 26th
Hope we'll see you there and remember leaving a comment or linking in with a red post enters you in my giveaway HERE

Today I'm Visiting  ColoradoLady for...,....

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Happy Rednesday #2 !!

So glad you stopped by today. Last Wednesday was my first  REDnesday and I'd like to thank everyone who linked in and joined the party or sent messages, you made it a RED letter day. If you didn't get to see REDnesday #1 you can go HERE to see highlights of last weeks REDnesday participants.


 If you'd like to join this week REDnesday and use the Inlinkz icon.
I can't wait to see you there.

( I told you I'd have the Linky Dohinky up ealier and longer this week. 8)

Okay, If you have noticed earlier I didn't put a full post in, just  an announcement about computer went down and I couldn't get back online 8/ After a few
hours.....I'm Back!! here it is.

This REDnesday I thought I show what I meant in my past post when I said a blacn wall is my canvas.......

This a long wall that goes from my Kitchen
door leading past the kitchen to the
dining room. and the rest of the house.

The next pics are the dividing wall between the kitchen and dining room.

I don't like wallpaper, so, a nice clean colored wall just screams for a collage of collections. Everything was selected from a special place or given to me by family or friends.. Each piece has a story. In the coming REDnesday's I'll tell you about them. For now  hope you have a wonderful Wednesday

Don't forget my Giveaway this month......................................

Those who join parties or leave comments on posts will be entered to wn the above French Country tablerunner I hand-embroidered, appliqued, and embellished.
This is a little closer look  

As a thank you for coming to REDnesday Wednesday

This is a cute embroidery transfer that would look wonderful as a redwork piece ....
Redwork is embroidery done all in red thread.....perfect for upcoming Christmas. It would also be great for a painting pattern. Just hit Copy and  save. To  transfer just take  the printed copy and use carbon or transfer paper, tracing image onto fabric or project surface with a pen ot pencil.
Well, that's it for my REDnesday. I'm off to visit.

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