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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February Rednesday

Hello Everyone!
Welcome to Rednesday Wednesday during the
month of February where RED really shines ;)

Rednesday is a weekly blog party celebrating everything RED. Sunset reds to garnet reds....
tomato reds to strawberry reds...and every shade in between. Posts can showcase vintage finds. collections, decor, fashion, designs or items you have for sale, seasonal items, recipes,etc. The connecting thread will be the color RED.


Pam~ Virginia Retro said...

How cute is she! I'll be joining in later when you put the link up. Have lots of Valentine redness to share. :) Pam

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Hi Melody! Just when you've given up on me, I find that I have a bit of timely valentine red! :)

Happy early Valentines Day and Happy Rednesday!

Sally xo


Hey sweet Melody! Thank you so much for the great Rednesday aprty! Hope you're warm around where you are. I have small red shades for Valentine's.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for the party!!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Melody...I'm sorry I've been absent from Rednesday lately. As you see I've been busy getting some Valentines made and Wednesdays just got away from me. I'll post this coming Rednesday with two Valentines. Thank you for dropping by and saying "hello"' it's always good to see you.

See you this Rednesday - hugs,
Marianne xo