You can follow me through here and we can visit a while.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rednesday Wednesday

Rednesday is a weekly blog party celebrating everything RED
Sunset reds to garnet reds....
tomato reds to strawberry reds...and every shade in between.
Posts can showcase vintage finds. collections, decor, fashion, designs or items you have for sale, seasonal items, recipes,etc. The connecting thread will be the color RED.

My Rednesday post is some old time television and 

Radio shows. Scroll down to the  vintage Tv my side bar and check out a valentiney episode of 
Dick Van Dyke or, click the old-time Radio and  Matinee Theater presents My Favorite Wife. Both will warm and brighten any day. 

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Come sit a spell......

Hi Everyone! Welcome to Brown Gingham Creations.
Today's post is an invitation. 
Since it is sooooo cold......
soooooo snowy, let's all grab 
a little hot chocolate, bundle 
up in your favorite blanket in a
soft chair or couch...sit back and enjoy..........................

Some old time television and 

Radio shows. Scroll down to the  vintage Tv my side bar and check out a valentiney episode of 
Dick Van Dyke or, click the old-time Radio and  Matinee Theater presents My Favorite Wife. Both will warm and brighten any day. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rednesday #16

Holy Cow, I am so sorry Rednesday Inlinkz was off-line
I do not know what happened. Rednesday has been extended to be open till Friday.

Rednesday is a weekly blog party celebrating everything RED
Sunset reds to garnet reds....
tomato reds to strawberry reds...and every shade in between.
Posts can showcase vintage finds. collections, decor, fashion, designs or items you have for sale, seasonal items, recipes,etc. The connecting thread will be the color RED.
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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Rednesday #15

Hi Everyone!
Happy Rednesday Wednesday!
It has been arctic....cloudy...sunny.....rainy.....balmy 50's
and that's just in the last 7 days in Cincinnati.
I am so ready for a party to brighten this day up.
Rednesday is a weekly blog party celebrating everything RED. Sunset reds to garnet reds....
tomato reds to strawberry reds...and every shade in between.
Posts can showcase vintage finds. collections, decor, fashion, designs or items you have for sale, seasonal items, recipes,etc. The connecting thread will be the color RED.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Rednesday Wednesday

This is a weekly blog party celebrating everything red. Sunset reds to garnet reds....
tomato reds to strawberry reds...and every shade in between.
Posts can showcase vintage finds. collections, decor, fashion, designs or items you have for sale, seasonal items, recipes,etc. The connecting thread will be the color red.

Did you notice the new banner for Rednesday? I used a vintage card with carnations for this months theme. It's pretty, but there is a reason why I chose it.....Carnation is the Flower of the Month.
See the carnations in the glass on this
1881 seed catalog? Carnations are one of the oldest cultivated flowers dating back over 2000 years. The botanical name, Dianthus,
after the goddess of love Diana, means flower of the god's or flower of love. Roman's used carnations in homes to keep evil away. Roman's and Greeks used laurel and carnations in crowns for gladiator and Olympic winners. It's said that during Christ's walk to Calvary with the cross, wherever Mary's tears fell pink carnations sprouted and bloomed. 

The carnation is said to represent love, pride, beauty, distinction, fascination,and loyalty. 
The next time you see a carnation and think it's just ho-hum.....
think again. Think outside of the box 8)
  1. Photo: Today's Daily Design features a combination of Pink Roses, Red Carnations and White Button Pom Poms in the Red ESSENTIALS Square Bowl Container. A perfect, simple Valentine's Day design for any type of love! See how it's made:
Well, I think it's time for a little walk through Bloglandia and visit those who have joined me for this fine Rednesday. Let's go!
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Sunday, January 5, 2014

What is it?!

Ya know how you look at something one way and then see something completely different?

Isn't this a pretty floral flourish to embroider?

Wow, it's really a floral monogram. Aren't they pretty.

How about this one. An unusual mushroom?

Nope, A bowl of onions and it seems one was incognito.

Here's another I recently found......
A simple red potato......

that seemed to be looking at me.

She just wanted to introduce herself.....Frieda Spudinski.

I know, isn't this a silly post? But, it's just a reminder to look at the ordinary and see the extraordinary.  
Now let's go visit Cindy at  and all the Linky parties I stop by on my Weekly Blog Parties page at the top of my Blog