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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

First Rednesday of the Year!

Rednesday Wednesday

It's the first party of the New Year! 
Let's celebrate this RED
Letter Day with your posts showcasing collections, decor, vintage finds, and more including shades and hues of red.

Use the Inlinkz icon to join the party.

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

The 12 Days of Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!

All the gifts have been opened, the leftovers were put away,  and some of us, today,  have spent hours at the stores for more Shopping!!!

During the month of December ads were using the 12 Days of Christmas for selling medias were using it show off Christmas light displays......TV stations were using it for special holiday programming.....but I think, sometimes, we forget that there was a real meaning for the 12 Days of Christmas and that they were and are from Dec 25th-Jan 6th.....
From 1558-1829 it was illegal to be a priest or practicing Catholic in the English Realm or it's colonies....which covered pretty much of the all the known world..... you can guess what the punishment was.....During this time an anonymous song writer created 'The 12 Days of Christmas' for Religious to teach the precepts of the Catholic Faith, but is the foundation of all Christianity.....

The partridge in the pear tree is the symbol for Jesus because this bird is willing to sacrifice its life to protect its young by feigning injury to draw away predators

2 turtle doves- Old and New Testaments

3 French hens- faith, hope, and love.

4 calling birds- the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

5 golden rings- first five books of the Old Testament

6 geese a-laying- six days of creation.

7 swans a-swimming - the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
   Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution,      Leadership, and Mercy.

8 maids a-milking- the eight beatitudes.

9 ladies dancing- the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit
   Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience  Goodness, Mildness, Fidelity,    Modesty, Chastity.

10 lords a-leaping- the Ten Commandments.

11 pipers piping- the eleven faithful Apostles.

12 drummers drumming- symbolized the twelve points of The      Apostles' Creed.
Found at CNA

 It celebrates .......

Day 1, 25 December: Christmas Day.
Day 2, 26 December: St. Stephen's Day. This day is mentioned in the carol "Good King enceslas". Feeding                                   the Poor.
Day 3, 27 December: Feast of saint John the Evangelist and Apostle.
Day 4, 28 December: The Feast of the Holy Innocents, the young male children ordered murdered                                                 in Bethlehem by King Herod, The traditional Christmas song "The Coventry Carol"                                         describes this event.
Day 5, 29 December: The feast day of Saint Thomas Becket.
Day 6, 30 December: The feast of the Holy Family.
Day 7, 31 December: The feast of Saint Sylvester.  In Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech                                     Republic, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy,uxembourg, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland                                     and Slovenia, New Years Eve is still referred to as Silvester.
Day 8, 1 January:      The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Before the Second Vatican Council, it was also                                 observed as the Feast of the Holy Circumcision of Jesus
Day 9, 2 January:      Octave day of St. Stephen or the feast day of St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory                                         Nazianzen. In England, the Lichfield Martyrs are also celebrated on this day.
Day 10, 3 January:     Feast of Saint Genevieve or the most holy name of Jesus.
Day 11, 4 January:     The octave day of the feast of the Holy Innocents or the feast of St. Elizabeth Ann                                         Seton, the first American saint. In medieval times this was The feast of Saint Simon                                     Stylites.
Day 12, 5 January:  . The evening of the 5 January is also Twelfth Night,.Epiphany Feast of the Three Kings
Found on Wikipedia

 I just wanted to remind those who seem to get all caught up in the secular season fun, which is great...nothing wrong with gift giving and getting....yummy parties.....pretty outfits....and OOOOOO the decorations, but  to remember the true reason for the season.

'God so loved the world he gave His only Son'

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Vintage Christmas Fun

Christmas in Cincinnati is magical. The whole city and it suburbs shine. Christmas displays abound....from personal homes to businesses. One place that really takes Christmas seriously is the Taft Museum. Once the personal home of the Taft Family...27th is now a museum filled with antiquities and vintage charm.
Outside view isn't quite christmasy, but wait til you walk thru those doors.................................................
It's a Vintage Christmas! With various decorated trees,



More trees

Vintage lighting

Santa, of course

And, my fav, the Victorian Tree

 Hope you're having a great holiday season so far. Tomorrow I'll take you to Krohn Conservatory for a warm and balmy Christmas.
Don't forget to check out my Weekly Blog Parties Page for linky parties I attend. Come on let's go check em out! We can start with Pink Saturday

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Miracle for Rednesday

Update: I appreciate when you come by. Please leave a comment if you visit I may not be able to visit you all tomorrow.
I almost missed Christmas in Bloglandia!
My computer died,buy Santa's Elves are reviving it. Poor Girl is almost 15 years old...not sure how old that is computer years..hehe... she's a friend and confidant, I can't just get rid of her, she knows all my secrets 8/ Thank goodness I borrowed another laptop til my is back. That's a Christmas Miracle and just in time to celebrate another  Holiday Rednesday!

Happy Holiday Rednesday Wednesday!
The Holidays are here and it's the most wonderful time for Rednesday! 
Decking the halls........trimming the tree.........
hanging the wreath......setting the table........
traditions.......the cookies......the candies....
the month long cooking....yippee........
Let's celebrate!
Join the party with Inlinkz below

For my Rednesday post today I finally got my trees up. I usually have all my decorating up the weekend after Thanksgiving, but this year seemed to be a wreck, sooooo here are my trees..............................
 This is my outside tree decorated with Snowmen cards I accented with mini tinsel. The topper is a tin-punched star.
Inside my tree is very traditional..........................................

Garland, tinsel, vintage and modern glass/plastic ornaments, and reflectors...........................

Last year Jim surprised me with this large 1940's aluminum reflector tree-topper that matched my Grandma's smaller 

tree light reflectors. I know a lot of you do themed trees.....
special color trees.......I admire your creativity and envy your boundless energy..sigh...but taking these things out is like seeing old friends....a constant is a time when things change at an instant.

I also visited the Antique Mall and of course they are decorated for the Holiday. These were some of my favs.

And some of the things available.....................

An Art Linkletter peddle cart

tablecloth appliqued and hand-embroidered

an old enamal-ware tub

this delightful Fire King baking motif mixing bowl
Yikes, that is just one bowl not a set!

and of course...vintage magazines

This is it for this installment of Holiday Rednesday #13. Next week will be the a fun Rednesday...the day after Christmas......can't wait to see those posts! Now, go on down to the Inlinkz icon and join the party! Oh, and don't forget to go to my Weekly Blog Party Page to visit all the weekly parties I love to go by.

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Christmas Table 1946

The December 1946 Family Circle issue showed some fun holiday
desserts that set a festive table.

The first traditional centerpiece is the ever popular Cloche.  Using 'fruit cocktail' as the inspiration, a wood-based cloche is filled with seasonal fruits. 

Fresh pineapples, grapes, pears, peaches, and cherries overflow. You know Vintage wax fruit or modern artificial would work too.
It's a simple, but elegant classic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The next edible decoration for the table was an OH moment for me,
it;s a 'Candlestick Salad'. In all my collecting of vintage cookbooks and magazines, I had never seen this christmasy holiday salad.
Isn't this the most ingenious use of fruit and veggies? What kid of all ages wouldn't dig in?  Here's a close up and the recipe.

Wouldn't this be cute to use for a birthday too?!.....for someone diabetic or on a special diet?
Yum Yum Yum...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Rednesday Christmas

Happy Holiday Rednesday Wednesday!
The Holidays are here and it's the most wonderful time for Rednesday! 
Decking the halls........trimming the tree.........
hanging the wreath......setting the table........
traditions.......the cookies......the candies....
the month long cooking....yippee........
Let's celebrate!
Join the party with Inlinkz below

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Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Letter to Santa

It's Beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.....SNOW....bah humbug.
Looks great in pics, but I'm beginning to realllly dislike the stuff. sigh

Before I get to my post I wanted to apologize missing the previous week's Rednesday Party, but my Great-Uncle passed away and couldn't quite get to posting. Please go to this week's Rednesday Wednesday, which kicked off the Holiday Rednesdays and be sure to visit those who linked in, they really have decked the halls ;)
Okay, on to today's post....................................................

Dear Santa,
Hope You and Mrs. Clause are fine and having a great holiday season. I know you are all very busy at this time of year, but I thought I'd send a note with a few suggestions of things I'd like to get this Christmas....
again these are suggestions I'm happy with anything I get......

Some Pyrex

A Washer I could put some geraniums in for my kitchen garden

Wagner Ware in Aluminum or cast iron would be perfect

New dishes and some silverware'd be nice too.

I could use new shelf paper

A new stove would be great.......oh....and...

new Armstrong flooring for the entryway.

Well, that's it. I was hoping what the time continuum thing you have going, this wouldn't be much of a problem. Or, if you have some of these things stock piled in the warehouse you want clear know I'm your girl.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Big Polar Bear Hugs,