This past weekend didn't get out of the 60's. Leaves are still green, but now some are turning before they fall. With the drought here I'm not sure we won't have just yellows and browns, but those Maples may surprise. With Oct. 1st just a week away....where did September go.... Halloween decor is all around.
Seems pumpkins are plentiful around here this year and folks are already purchasing them. The locally grown mum plants are smaller than usual tho and are just now showing color. The heat and drought here in the Greater Cincy area really effected them, but seems with the weather we're having now they will all last a good long while.....pleasant days in the 60-70's and nights down to upper 30's.....despite some worry harvested produce like pumpkins,squashes, etc as well as some hardy plants..pansies, mums, kale, etc. love temps from 34-40 to keep them 'fresh'. We had a Winter one year where in Jan-Feb temps were in the 60's during the day and 35-40 at night...blooming daffodils, hyacinths, and crocus seemed to bloom early and last forever that year.
I also was busy getting some Fall decor into my case on the 'Avenue' at the Ohio Valley Antique Mall.
The pic of the last two aprons, they were used in the Fall displays at the Antique Mall. I'll have pics of those in another post..Melinda at the mall does such a nice job of creating such unique displays throughout the mall.....and another shot of the newly displayed side wall with other aprons and totes.
Remember, it there is something you see in my case while browsing these pics you are interested in just contact me at brownginghamcreations@fuse.net or leave a comment and we can chat.
While at the mall I once again found a little something I couldn't leave with out................
This cute little cookbooklet out of the 1960's from the Alber's Grocery Store. The store closed it's door's in the late 70's, but we'd shop there almost every week with my Grandma...I even remember the layout!! Holy Cow, don't ask me about important things, but that I can tell ya...LOL.
Inside there are not only ads and coupons and S&H Green Stamps, but recipes, and with the nippy temps this weekend I made a roast. I thought I'd share some of the roast recipes that are in this little gem. Hope you can see them or enlarge em...or even use a magnifier...okay so sometimes I go that far..hehehehe
Well, That's it for this post. I did want to remind you I am once again hosting a Party over at the Etsy Cottage Style Blog

Go HERE to visit that party ...hey join the fun...and go to my Weekly Blog Party Page at the top of my blog to visit all the parties I attend!