If you haven't seen the first part of my Taft Museum post go
here . The pics I'm showing today are an architectural and decorative montage of the Taft Museum.
Remember, click the picture to enlarge for a better view.
The window treatments are different in each room and are taken from family pics from the 1800's-1930's

The curtain rods in this main hallway open to clean the windows easily or to allow more light.

This curtain is fan-tastic! I love the little eyelet sheers
The ceilings and light fixtures are beautiful.

Look at this plaster work.
The woodwork is gorgeous
Everyroom has a fireplace and oil paintings of landscape, still lifes, and portraits throughout that rival any big city art museum.
The real claim to fame of the museum are the Duncanson murals from the 19th century.
(Thanks to Wikipedia) Robert Scott Duncanson (1821 – December 21, 1872) was born in Seneca County, New York in 1821.[1] Duncanson’s father was a Canadian of Scottish descent and his mother was an African American, thus making him “a freeborn person of color.”[2] Duncanson, an artist who is relatively unknown today, painted America, both physically and figuratively, at a time when the country was in turmoil. Beautiful and serene, Duncanson’s work sheds light on American art that has been forgotten over the years.
Go here for more info

These murals are located in the original front entry.

They were found in 1931 under years of old wallpaper. The Taft's were aware they were there, but never uncovered them. Intensive reconstruction was taken when the family donated the home to the Cityin 31' for a museum to restore them to thier origianl beuaty.

Isn't this wainscoting beautiful? It was also original and found during reconstruction. The oak molding is so rich, but the panels...they are trompe l'oeils.
(trômp' loi')
n., pl., trompe l'oeils (loi').
1.A style of painting that gives an illusion of photographic reality.
2.A painting or effect created in this style.
[French trompe l'œil : trompe, third person sing. present tense of tromper, to deceive + le, the + œil, eye.]
The photo doesn't do the artwork justice, but even when you stand next to it makes you have do a doubletake
Many of the rooms contain cases and cases of decorative vases, silver, enamelware, flow blue china, bejeweled snuff boxes, perfume bottles, timepeices and much more. Most were of Chinese, Middle Eastern, Italian, and American craftsman. Some rooms were camera restricted, But one room that we were allowed
to take a pic in contained Chinese serving peices...mostly pitchers.
When I saw these 18th centruy horses I was drawn right to them. They are individual water pitchers that were placed at each table placesetting. The photo again doesn't do the glaze finishes justice, but as I looked at them I realized these pitchers....a small opening on the back enabled the vessel to be filled and an oprning in the horses mouth was the spout...........
......................................................it reminded me of something I had seen before.
Okay, don't laugh. This 1960's 'Elsie' the Cow creamer. Who knew this kitchy table staple had such grand beginnings? ;)
(I didn't have one on hand, so I found this example here )
These next pics show the beautiful dining room and table. Now I know this tablescape isn't as grand as some I've seen on even Tablescape Thursday, but the items used on this table make up for it.
I have never seen such a gorgeous coffe and tea service......................................................................
.....this is a close up of the pattern. The placard says it is Stief Silver in their floral pattern.
I hope you enjoyed this tour of the Taft Museum here in Cincinnati.
If you're ever in the area this is a must see site.
Today I'm linking to Susan over at Between Naps On The Porch for Tablescape Thursday
and to Elizabeth over at Brambleberry Cottage for Time Travel Thursday