Hi Everyone!
Today I'd like to tell you the story of Matilda Deflor, Mattie for short.
She was a pretty little thing, but very small and extremely shy. She loved all the plants God created on his green Earth. She preferred to stay in the gardens...the prairies...the woods....the Rain forests...anywhere away from people...
(they were loud, destructive creatures. She had tried many times to help one of them only to be disappointed in their thoughtlessness and selfishness)... or disapproving eyes of her peers, you see, her favorite thing was to make plants grow. Now all these things in themselves are not bad attributes, except if you are an Angel as Mattie is. There were countless times when all were looking for little Mattie when she was to be doing chores..in choir with the other heavenly seraphim...or in prayer..only to be found dancing in the garden or making plants sprout and flowers pop.

Well, this day there she was...twirling and pirouetting to her tune. gown disheveled, wings soiled.
When the other Junior Angels found her. They made great sport of her and to her embarrassment and frustration gave her the nickname of Waltzing Matilda. It was all Mattie could do this one day not to disappear in a puff of angel dust. In tears and hurt off she flew, not caring where or how far. It had grown dark by the time her little wings had gotten tired and she landed in a heap on the hard ground crying herself to sleep. When she awoke it was to a brilliant sunrise unlike any she had seen.............................................................
and a voice was speaking to her......'Mattie it's time.......wake up sleepyhead......you have much to do'.
spread before her was the most beautiful garden she had ever seen with a winding path that seemed to go on forever. 'Mattie', the voice said,' it's time to share your music and flowers with my beloved creation. You will join St. Fiacre (patron Saint of Gardeners and Florists) at the end of this path and he will send you into the world to spread your lovely flowers and plants where they seem needed.' She looked incredulously at the view before her...'I don't have to go back? They won't make fun of me anymore?' She asked in disbelief. 'No' the voice answered, 'and you need a new outfit for the job.' In a blink of the eye Mattie looked down at herself and saw that her tattered and soiled satin gown had been transformed.......................................
Fragrant rosebuds, daisies, peonies and dianthus bloomed profusely. Dewdrops became like diamonds shining brightly in the light. Her halo had also transformed into a crown of dewdrops and peonies..................
'Oh thank you Father' she said, but as she looked at her wings a slight frown wrinkled her brow. 'My wings are still soiled?' 'My Child, your soiled wings are beautiful. They show how hard you work to make the world a better place for my people. Where ever you walk plants and flowers will spring forth. Now run along St Fiacre is waiting for you. Oh, and next time don't wait so long to come to me with your troubles.'
With that Mattie flew off to begin her new life humming 'Waltz of the Flowers' as she went.
Remember, when you're in your own garden and you notice a plant growing you know you didn't plant or while walking in a downtown and find a small flower growing in the sidewalk crack...think of all those Angels trying to bring a little color and happiness to your day. It's the little miracles we need to notice...we sometimes walk right by them.
This is the story of my newest Angelic Inspiration, Mattie, also proudly now known as Waltzing Matilda. is part of the Angelic Music Collection .....she happily twirls to Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers.
Mattie has a special gift for you....if you look closely in the middle of her dress she has a Dianthus Pin attached to her apron....it can be removed and worn. She also would hold other flower pins on her apron if you collect floral pins or would like to start.
For more info about Mattie contact me here or find her
HERE Then go to Angelic Inspirations-->Angelic Lights and Music Boxes.